Raiford D. Palmer, J.D., AAML, CEO

Raiford D. Palmer, J.D., AAML, CEO

Winning Lawyers was founded by attorney and law firm owner Raiford D. Palmer. A practicing attorney for over 25 years, Raif has a passion for helping other lawyers find joy in their chosen profession.

Raif formed and operated two law firms and is co-owner and Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar law practice in the Chicagoland area. He has lectured on a variety of law office management topics and coached many lawyers regarding career choices and law practice formation and management.

Our Values



We exist to see our clients succeed. We listen and learn, just as you listen to your clients.

Teach, don’t command.

We won’t just tell you what to do - we want you to understand why doing it makes sense.

Transparent Pricing

Simple, no-nonsense options. No long-term obligations.